How Do I?
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How Do I Install/Uninstall DeltaWalker?

The way you install and unistall DeltaWalker depends on the type of installer you choose.

Installing DeltaWalker

The following DeltaWalker installation packages are available per platform:

  • macOS
    package—"mount" the package by double-clicking on it, then drag the DeltaWalker bundle and drop it into the Applications folder. Check out the Extras folder: it contains a droplet and an Automator workflow script offering tighter integration with Finder. It also contains sample files and folders as well as sample script files.
  • Windows
    —download the .msi file, (double) click on it and follow the instructions. Most users would find the default settings of the MSI installer safe and adequate for their needs. If you lack administrator privileges, use the provided Zip installer, then download, unzip, locate the DeltaWalker executable, and run it.
  • Linux
    —download, unzip, locate the DeltaWalker executable, and run it.

Uninstalling DeltaWalker

  • Zip files—simply delete the DeltaWalker installation folder. To delete the DeltaWalker application data, including preferences, issue the following command from the command line:


    rm -fr ~/Library/Containers/com.deltopia.DeltaWalker/Data/Library/Application\ Support/DeltaWalker


    rd /q /s "%USERPROFILE%\.deltawalker"


    rm -fr ~/.deltawalker

  • MSI installers on Windows—run the DeltaWalker installer, either by launching the original .msi file or by going to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, then select the Remove option. The installer will do the rest.

  • DMG package—navigate to the Applications folder and delete the DeltaWalker application bundle. Delete the application data folder as you'd do with a Zip installation.

Choosing the DeltaWalker Installer That's Best For You?

When possible, DeltaWalker is offered in two types of installer packages per supported platform:

  • An OS-native installer—a DMG package on the Mac and an MSI installer on Windows.
  • A zip file for each supported platform.

The native installers offer a more familiar installation experience and, when possible, a tighter integration with the target Operating System.

For instance, on the Mac, the DMG installer uses the familiar disk-mounting paradigm and offers an easy shortcut to move the DeltaWalker bundle to the Applications folder.

On Windows, the DeltaWalker MSI installer can create a desktop, a start menu program, and a quick launch bar shortcuts. It also can install a shell extension and can add a context-sensitive menu to the Windows Explorer, which would allow you to easily launch DeltaWalker comparisons from the context-menu in Windows Explorer. The actual installation of these, of course, is optional.

Finally, the Zip installation packages offer the simplest way of deployment: download and unzip. To run, locate the DeltaWalker executable inside the unzip folder and double-click it. To uninstall, simply delete the DeltaWalker installation folder. Note that Deltopia recommends against unzipping over an existing DeltaWalker installation as this may be a source of subtle runtime errors.

See Also